If you haven't heard of it yet, I would like to introduce you to keep.com, it's an amazing (and addicting) social media platform that is perfect for fashionista's and social media lovers alike. Let's just say it is the ultimate cross between Pinterest and online shopping. Do you ever find yourself in a predicament where you see amazing pieces online that you would just die to own, but have no idea where to buy them? This is where Keep comes in. Users are not only provided with a platform to view amazing finds on the Internet, but by simply clicking on an image, you are directed to a site where this product may be purchased. How amazing! And it gets even better, some of the top bloggers, fashion designers, and magazine editors have their own personal Keep pages. There is no better way to see the unique style pick's of those you admire and the ability to shop like them as well. As a designer, I am constantly seeking out inspiration through social media and user generated content and I am glad I found the ability to do so through this fantastic website and app. Check out my Keep here, and don't forget to follow me once you've signed up: samantha_steen.